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I Blog Gluten Free

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Who's the Celiac?

This is a question I'm hearing more and more lately. I got it again on Saturday night while at my high school reunion. The minute I mentioned gluten-free, one of my classmates that I would never have imagined having any information whatsoever brought up that a softball buddy of his has celiac disease, and was in terrible pain prior to going gluten-free about two and a half years ago.

I was amazed. But then, maybe I shouldn't have been. Two of my girlfriends from way back when spoke up immediately when I got the diagnosis - one to offer support, and the other to let me know where to find both gf foods and a support group! And we live in the tiniest of small towns.

So far (and I know I haven't been doing this very long at all) I have had no attempts to entice me to eat something I shouldn't, I've had plenty of people offer to help me find things that I can eat, and I while I have had a couple of less than happy restaurant visits, I'm usually able to get what I need.

Still... I have to wonder what the reaction would be if I didn't have that word "disease" to fall back on. If I wasn't the celiac in the group. What if it was a different form of gluten intolerance? Would the perception of my friends and family be different? Would I get the same service when I go out? I hope so, but I suppose I'll never be really sure.

I have resorted to the "wheat allergy" excuse once or twice while eating out - especially when on the road and starving after driving all day. But the strange thing is... most of the time when I say that, they drag out a menu that plainly says "Gluten Free" on the front.

I'm glad to have been diagnosed this year, as I know things are far easier today than they were even a few years ago. And I'm glad to have the family and friends that I do... they are amazing.

1 comment:

  1. It is surprising how much people know about CD lately. Just a few years ago, most people were clueless. The support has improved dramatically, too. I think in the near future, the science will catch up and the gluten-intolerant group will get their support and the research will prove what they've been saying all along. Thanks for the birthday wishes.
