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I Blog Gluten Free

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Celiac Awareness Tour - Pittsburgh

My daughter and I went yesterday, and really enjoyed the speakers.  We found some new products, and reintroduced ourselves to some familiar ones.  Glutino's Genius breads were available for sampling, and the size of the slice and the fact that it stays together even under the pressure of being spread with peanut butter and Jelly really impressed me.  The flavor is pretty darned good, too!

While we were there, we picked up some instant mac and cheese to take with us when we travel - I figure we're going to be pretty tired by the time we get to the motels at night, and having to hunt for a safe place to eat just isn't going to cut it!!

Hope you are having an enjoyable weekend.

Friday, January 20, 2012


I guess it has finally arrived... just in time for me to have plenty of things on the agenda to keep me on the roads.

Sunday is brunch with an internet friend, Thursday we go retrieve the van from my niece and get to take a trip to Ikea in Cincy, and the following Saturday is the Celiac Awareness Tour in Pittsburgh.  Hope the big snow holds off until we are safely back home.

Making some big changes this winter, and a change in location is among them.  I'll be hunkering down with my sister for the spring and summer - while my daughter is off studying in Japan.  So packing and such are also on this month's agenda.  Oh, joy!  But at least down there I'll be close to Trader Joe's and Whole Paycheck.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that you will all come through this winter with flying colors.

Friday, January 13, 2012

First real snowstorm of the season.  And I'm thrilled.  While we won't get the lake effect snow, I'm going to pretend to be snowbound and cuddle up with a warm cat and some good, old fashioned comfort food!

GIG meeting tomorrow at The Raisin Rack in Canton... come on out and join in the fun!  Should be interesting - I haven't attended a meeting in a long time, and I'm looking forward to getting together with the regular gang.

I've closed off the main bathroom - found out that's where the cold breeze is coming from.  Gonna have to bundle up to use the bathroom, but that's better than having to burn boatloads of extra fuel to keep the rest of the house warm.

Hope you are all enjoying the return of winter!