Gluten Free Picture

Gluten Free Picture
I Blog Gluten Free

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Another one bites the dust

After a less than satisfactory response from the Chipotle headquarters, I'm afraid I am going to have to rethink my "go-to" restaurant when traveling.  I requested that certain employees be retrained in their gluten free procedures... they told me they aren't a gluten free restaurant, and that if I want gluten free, I have to describe my needs every step of the way... up to and including new cheese and lettuce containers so my food isn't cross contaminated.

Ok, I can deal with that.  Even though at my usual location, they told me it is corporate policy for them to open new containers for a gluten free diner.

But when I say I need a gluten free bowl and the response is "Do you want a burrito?"  Someone hasn't been trained.  Or they need to be retrained.

I will continue to visit the location in North Canton, Ohio... but I think I'll avoid the others.  Pity.  I had counted on being able to get a safe meal at all their locations.

Anybody got suggestions on another go-to spot?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Five Guys

Just got back from my first visit to Five Guys Burgers and Fries.  OMG, what a great burger!  Juicy, tasty, wrapped in its own little piece of foil so it doesn't touch anything else in the bag... my sister's bacon cheeseburger, for example.

And the fries... wow.  Just wow.  Tasted like homemade - the old fashioned way.  Crispy outside, soft and tender inside.

They have plastic silverware available, and are gluten-free friendly.  But you have to tell them you have a "gluten allergy" or they assume you are low carb rather than gluten free and don't change their gloves.  (Got this tip from a manager.)

Pricy, but well worth it for the occasional really big lunch.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Travel good. Friends better.

Visited some friends this past week.  They are lovely, wonderful and amazing.  In that order.

Two of them are getting married in August, and I attended their wedding shower last Saturday.  One of the things they received was a new set of pots and pans.  (Yes, there's a reason I am mentioning this.)

Two nights later, I wound up staying at their apartment.  While I was there, they unpacked the box of pots and I saw something written on the box.  They took out all the wrappings, put the pots back in the box and showed me what it said...   "Ellie's Pots".  They are dedicating their new cookware to making sure I will be safe when I dine with them.

Some people are just way more than incredible.

Monday, May 14, 2012


So tell me... what does stress do to you?  I mean, does it give you symptoms that are similar to being glutened?  I get bad news, and immediately all the symptoms come rushing back... the trips to the bathroom, the belly pain, the desire to hide under the covers.

My best friend is having some minor surgery on Wednesday, and I'm falling apart.  I have a world of things to do (I'm moving on Wednesday - I didn't know about the surgery when I made my plans) and absolutely no desire to do any of them.

Guess I'll just keep packing and hope for the best.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Domino's new "Gluten Free" crust

While I think it is great that more companies are willing to think outside the box and try to accomodate people with restricted diets, I don't think this is a great way to go about it.  They themselves say it isn't safe for those of us with Celiac Disease... so why bother?  Either you are going to make it safe, or you shouldn't claim it is gluten free.  Not everyone will see the Youtube video in which they tell you they put the crust on the same surfaces as the regular crusts, thus contaminating them.  

People are going to get sick.  I just don't think it is right to advertise a gluten free product that you know is most likely not going to be gluten free when you deliver it to the customer.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sorry it has been so long.  Just hasn't been much going on here - at least on the gluten-free front.

I made it safely back from the left coast, gfree all the way.  I'm going to be eternally grateful for the vendors at the Pittsburgh version of the Celiac Awareness Tour... I wound up eating the instant mac and cheese that I got there several times during the trip.  And I got a great deal on the case by purchasing it at the end of the day.  There's a tip for you... buy your things at the end of the session... the vendors don't really want to cart it home with them, so you can get some good deals.

Once again my life has changed, and I'm looking for some advice.  You see, I'm moving into a roommate situation to save money (my daughter's in college, what can I say?) and it will be a good thing for everyone concerned, except... they aren't gluten free.  Now, they always go out of their way to make sure I can eat when I'm with them, but the kitchen is full of breads, rolls, gravies, etc.  And no, there isn't going to be space for me to have my own area of the countertop.  I will have my own freezer and shelf space for gluten free items, but we will be eating out of the same pantry for most other things (veggies, etc.)

So... what to do?  I'm committed to making this work - at least until my daughter graduates (another year and a half) but I don't want to be sick all or even part of the time if it can be helped.  I will have access to a microwave and the stove (but not my own cookware) and I have a completely gluten free toaster.

Help?  Suggestions are not only welcome, they are really needed.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

And the loss

Well, it had to happen sometime during the trip.  I haven't been as careful as I should have, and now I am paying the price.

But tell me - did I get glutened, or is it just the heavy spices?  I never used to vomit when I ate things that contained gluten.  But the past two times I have eaten at anything other than a "place your single order and we will serve you" place, I've not only had the dizziness, abdominal pain, and other ugly symptoms, I've thrown up.

Am I now so sensitive to the stuff that my stomach is purging it before it can even get to the small intestine?  Or am I just really unlucky and getting food poisoning twice within four months?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Indian food... for the win!

We have been staying with my daughter's roommate (who is an 80 year old retired architect) while getting things ready for her trip to Japan.  The first day she surprised us with a lovely chicken curry.  Yesterday we had delicious Indian fried bits (in a garbanzo bean batter) with tea, and tomorrow we are meeting at an Indian restaurant/market so I can get some of the flour after we've lunched.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Road Trip

The San Francisco Bay Area is wonderful in many ways, not the least of which is the availability of decent gluten free food.

I'm hoping to sample as much of it as possible during my week here.  (The living on chicken salad and cheese sticks for the drive over here has lost some of its glamour, though.)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Thank you Gluten Free Mike and Rudi's Gluten Free Bakery!!!

Thanks to Gluten Free Mike and Rudi's Gluten Free Bakery!!  I won a great give-away at Gluten Free Mike's blog, and Rudi's has a month of give aways going on right now.

I received two wonderful magazines with great recipes and hints for living gluten free, a boatload of coupons for lovely gluten free items, and a brand new toaster!!  Perfect for toasting the yummy cinnamon bread I'm looking forward to for breakfast for the next several weeks, thanks to Mike and Rudi's!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Celiac Awareness Tour - Pittsburgh

My daughter and I went yesterday, and really enjoyed the speakers.  We found some new products, and reintroduced ourselves to some familiar ones.  Glutino's Genius breads were available for sampling, and the size of the slice and the fact that it stays together even under the pressure of being spread with peanut butter and Jelly really impressed me.  The flavor is pretty darned good, too!

While we were there, we picked up some instant mac and cheese to take with us when we travel - I figure we're going to be pretty tired by the time we get to the motels at night, and having to hunt for a safe place to eat just isn't going to cut it!!

Hope you are having an enjoyable weekend.

Friday, January 20, 2012


I guess it has finally arrived... just in time for me to have plenty of things on the agenda to keep me on the roads.

Sunday is brunch with an internet friend, Thursday we go retrieve the van from my niece and get to take a trip to Ikea in Cincy, and the following Saturday is the Celiac Awareness Tour in Pittsburgh.  Hope the big snow holds off until we are safely back home.

Making some big changes this winter, and a change in location is among them.  I'll be hunkering down with my sister for the spring and summer - while my daughter is off studying in Japan.  So packing and such are also on this month's agenda.  Oh, joy!  But at least down there I'll be close to Trader Joe's and Whole Paycheck.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that you will all come through this winter with flying colors.

Friday, January 13, 2012

First real snowstorm of the season.  And I'm thrilled.  While we won't get the lake effect snow, I'm going to pretend to be snowbound and cuddle up with a warm cat and some good, old fashioned comfort food!

GIG meeting tomorrow at The Raisin Rack in Canton... come on out and join in the fun!  Should be interesting - I haven't attended a meeting in a long time, and I'm looking forward to getting together with the regular gang.

I've closed off the main bathroom - found out that's where the cold breeze is coming from.  Gonna have to bundle up to use the bathroom, but that's better than having to burn boatloads of extra fuel to keep the rest of the house warm.

Hope you are all enjoying the return of winter!