Well, I bit the bullet and wrote to the TSA to get the real facts. No more wishing and hoping for me!
Turns out - Celiac Disease *is* covered, and with my handy-dandy doctor's note, I can take any food items I need onto the airplane - through security. Any.
Of course, I will still have to buy my drinks inside security, but at least I don't have to worry that they are going to make me throw away my chicken salad because it is a paste, or my peanut butter or mayo packets, or my cup of applesauce.
I will have to pull my cooler bag out so it can be hand examined - no more express security line for me - but that's nothing compared to having to go from 4am until 3pm with no food. (We only have an hour between flights, so there isn't really time to try to find something at the connecting airport.)
I'm still planning on using the frozen grapes instead of risking a cold pack, but grapes are a good snack anyway. So I get to keep my stuff cold and enjoy some fruit as well. Not such a bad deal.
Now, of course, I have to wait and see if the people at the actual security checkpoint behave the way the TSA says they should. Think I'll take some cookies along, just in case.
Vanishing Act
5 years ago
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