Gluten Free Picture

Gluten Free Picture
I Blog Gluten Free

Monday, February 8, 2010


in my neighborhood pharmacist. You see, I have a lot of respect for pharmacists... they are accessible, and they have an enormous amount of knowledge about disease processes and medications. At least, most of them do.

I just got back from a visit to my pharmacy of choice, and I have to say that I am no longer very impressed with the staff there.

You see, the information my doctor sent (and almost every website I've seen) says to talk to the pharmacist about the possibility of gluten in my medications. So I went over there, waited until all the other people waiting for prescriptions had been served (as is only right... they have just one pharmacist) and then got called back for my consultation.

I mentioned that I had just been diagnosed with celiac, and he said, "What? Never heard of it". When I mentioned gluten intolerance, he knew what that was, but only (according to him) because his former coworker had it. Said she would have known what to tell me, but he hadn't a clue about what was used in the manufacture of the medications. Told me to call the companies and ask them.

Which I will do, but I'm nowhere near as happy with him as I was before this afternoon.

On the other hand, some progress was made today - I did not stop at KFC on the way home. But I wanted to.

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